How does the transport work?

We will inform you of the exact delivery date one week in advance. You will receive a message from the transporter one hour before arrival.

A few things to note regarding delivery:

  • The delivery address must be accessible for a truck of 13.8 metres. If this is not the case, we will be happy to find a solution together.
  • You will need to provide the machinery yourself for unloading your DIY steel building kit. For a flat paved terrain such as concrete, a forklift is sufficient. For other terrains, or if your building is wider than 15 metres, it is best to have a Manitou or something similar. Also, don’t forget to have someone on site who is qualified to operate the machinery! Our transporters set aside 2 hours for the unloading of your DIY steel building kit. If circumstances require more time, additional costs will be billed. After delivery, we are also happy to provide assistance if necessary.
a Frisomat company
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a Frisomat company
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