General terms and conditions

The use of this website (the “Website”) is subject to the conditions of use described below (the “Terms and Conditions”). The use of the Website implies knowledge and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. Whenever reference is made to “Frisokit”, this is understood to refer to Frisokit N.V., its affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, associates, employees and representatives. 


The information on the Website (the “Content”) is intended for Frisokit customers worldwide but may not apply in some countries. Although the greatest efforts have been made to create the Website with due care, it cannot be ruled out that certain Content is outdated, incomplete or otherwise incorrect. As a result, Frisokit cannot give any guarantee – explicitly or implicitly – as to the completeness and accuracy of the Content or its suitability for a specific purpose.

Frisokit reserves the right to make changes and improvements to the Website as it sees fit, without announcement. For the current product specifications in your country, please contact your Frisokit branch.


Frisokit shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising or resulting from direct or indirect use of the Website or trust in the Content, even if advice has been given or received (beforehand) that such loss or damage may occur. The use of the Website, the Content or websites linked to the Website is therefore entirely at your own risk.

Frisokit cannot be held liable for any viruses that may be present on the Website, despite taking all possible measures to avoid this.


You hereby agree to indemnify Frisokit N.V. and hold it harmless against any loss, expenses, costs or damages (including acceptable legal fees, experts’ fees and other acceptable costs of legal proceedings) suffered or incurred by Frisokit N.V.: a) arising directly or indirectly from; b) incurred directly or indirectly as a result of; or c) relating in any way to any claim, demand or action based on your use or in connection with the Website or Content or your violation of the Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual property rights

Certain Content is protected by copyright. No intellectual property rights relating to the Website and/or the Content are transferred to you.

Links to other websites

The Website contains links to other websites. The integration of links to other websites does not in itself imply any involvement, partnership or relationship whatsoever with those websites or their content, or any endorsement of those websites or their content. Frisokit N.V. does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the content, nor the availability of those websites. If you wish to create links from your website to this Website, please contact us before you do so.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our General Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy or Cookie Policy, we will be glad to provide an answer. You may contact us by email, in writing or by telephone using the contact details below.

Our contact details:

Stokerijstraat 79
2110 Wijnegem
+32 3 353 33 99
[email protected]

a Frisomat company
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